New Here?

Discover Orthodoxy

Are you looking for meaning in life? Do you feel empty inside? God is the only one Who can fill that void. God loves us so much that He sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to become human and redeem us from sin and death. The Orthodox Church has its roots in the early Church community established by Christ and His Apostles. You are finally home, here at Holy Cross!

Join us

Our faith is based on Worship, reading the Scripture, and outreach. Join us to experience it yourself:

  • Divine Liturgy | Sundays @ 10:00 am

  • Bible Study | Mondays @ 7:00 pm


What to Expect

Entering an Orthodox Church for the first time may be intimidating or confusing, but it should not be. Before you visit, learn what to expect.



Next Steps

It is a great blessing and honor to become a steward (member) of the Body of Christ. Before you decide to join our community here at Holy Cross, please take a moment to review the process:

Step 1

Learn about Orthodoxy

​Our Church has its roots in the very early community established at Pentecost. Take a moment to familiarize yourself with what we believe.


Step 2

Meet the Priest

​​It is a good practice to meet the Priest of a parish when you visit or join, whether or not you intend to go to them for Confession or counsel. It is important for you and your Priest to know each other.


Step 3

Become a Steward

Stewardship of time, talent or treasure is an important aspect of the Christian life. Submitting a Stewardship pledge to your local parish shows your intention and commitment.

Step 4

Get Involved

​Part of one’s Stewardship commitment is sacrificing time and talents to God through service to the local parish.