
Orthodox Christian Stewardship is a way of life, which acknowledges accountability, reverence, and responsibility before God. A primary goal of Stewardship is to promote spiritual growth and strengthen faith. Becoming a Steward begins when we believe in God, to whom we give our love, loyalty and trust and act on those beliefs. As Stewards, we affirm that every aspect of our lives comes as a gift from Him. Stewardship calls on the faithful to cheerfully offer back to God a portion of the gifts with which they have been blessed.

An Orthodox Christian Steward is an active participant in the life of the Church. The parish encourages all who accept the Orthodox Faith to become practicing Stewards. Each year the Steward is expected to carefully review his or her personal circumstances and make a commitment of time, talent, and treasure to support the Parish and her Ministries, which in turn support the National Ministries of our Archdiocese, Metropolises, and institutions.

Effective stewardship ministry is not a single event or project. Rather, it is going out to our people wherever they are in their walk with Christ, listening to their concerns, helping them to realize their importance as branches of the True Vine and encouraging them to offer their gifts in His service. We use various resources to support our efforts, but unless we meet with our people personally, sincerely listen to their ideas and concerns, and share a vision for the future of the parish, our efforts will not each their full potential.

In Oriented Leadership their book on Orthodox Christian leadership, Williams and McKibben define stewardship as the call of the faithful to share willingly the gifts that God has bestowed on them, including sharing these gifts for God’s work. Stewardship is devotion and service to God and His Church as persons, as families, as a Parish, as a Metropolis, as a National Church, and as the Church Universal. Stewardship is our active commitment to use ALL our time, talent and treasure for the benefit of humankind in grateful acknowledgement of Christ’s redeeming love.

Stewardship is caring for the needs of others.

Stewardship is offering one's self to God as He offered Himself to us.

Stewardship is what a person does after saying "I believe..." as proof of that belief.

- Williams and McKibben in Oriented Leadership

In the words of Fr. William Chiganos of Holy Apostles Church in Westchester, Illinois, “…people don’t give to need; they give to vision…. Church people don’t stretch their giving because of need to meet the budget; they give more because they are able to see a vision of people being reached and God’s purposes being accomplished in the life of the church and its ministry.” Parishes with successful Orthodox Christian Stewardship Programs have found that incredible support is unleashed from Stewards who unselfishly and joyfully offer their time, talent and treasures, which in turn enhances the spirituality and ministry of the local parish.

Source: Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America website. Link here.

How Much Should I Give?

Every household contributes uniquely to our church with financial gifts, time, and talent essential for advancing the Gospel. The Bible encourages tithing, suggesting 10% of income be given to God. With rising expenses, even a 2% contribution could significantly impact the community's needs.

A visual representation of contributions based on family income brackets follows:


If your annual income is $45,000

2% = $75/mo

5% = $188/mo


2% = $100/mo

5% = $250/mo


2% = $125/mo

5% = $313/mo


2% = $167/mo

5% = $417/mo


2% = $333/mo

5% = $833/mo



Pledged: $123,263

Given: $71,845


Pledged vs. Given as of 3/1/2025