Adult Catechism 2024
An 8-Lessons Course (plus a bonus Q&A session) offered by Fr. Nick Kotsis and Fr. Alex Radulescu in the Fall of 2024.
Adult Catechism Class
Lesson 1: Scripture (Old Testament)
The Bible is the story of God reclaiming what belongs to Him – the story of redemption.
Lesson 2: Scripture (New Testament)
The New Testament (NT) is the second division of the Holy Bible. It is a written witness to the life and teachings of Jesus Christ and the early Church.
Lesson 3: Stewardship
Stewardship is a way of life, which acknowledges accountability, reverence, and responsibility before God.
Lesson 4: What is Holiness
Holiness is a biblical word that means “unique, set apart.” God is the source of holiness. Because He created us in His image, we are called to become holy like Him. This is our life’s purpose.
Lesson 5: Saints (Part 1)
The aim of the Christian life is deification (to become like God). This is the life-long process of becoming holy. It involves the soul and the body. Some people have been recognized as reaching deification (the saints).
Lesson 6: Saints (Part 2)
The aim of the Christian life is deification (to become like God). This is the life-long process of becoming holy. It involves the soul and the body. Some people have been recognized as reaching deification (the saints).
Lesson 7: Outreach and Evangelism
“Give to him who asks you, and from him who wants to borrow from you do not turn away” (Matthew 5:42).
Lesson 8: Sacraments of Re-Dedication
If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” (1 John 1:9)