Church Etiquette

Arriving at Church:

Please do not enter inside the Church but wait in the Narthex (this would be at the back of the Church just inside the inner doors near the candles). There are several parts of the service during which no one should be moving about. Wherever a person happens to be at these moments, he or she should stop and stand reverently, until the proper time to proceed.

Times when no one should move around are:

  • When the Priest faces the congregation

  • When there is a Procession in progress

  • When the Priest is censing

  • When the Priest is blessing

  • When the Priest and the congregation are kneeling

  • When the Holy Gospel or the Epistle is read

  • The Cherubic Hymn and the Great Procession of the Priest and Altar Boys with the Holy Gifts

  • The recitation of the Nicene Creed (in which the entire congregation should participate)

  • The prayers of "Take eat, and…" and the prayers of consecration of the Holy Gifts

  • When the Priest is delivering a sermon

  • Any special services (memorial services, processions, prayers)

One basic rule to follow is that, whenever the Priest is facing the people or outside of the altar, either with the censer or giving the blessing, everyone should stand wherever they are.

Please remember that the Parish Council members and the ushering staff are required to keep order during services, and all should follow their instructions at all times.